Introducing the 2018-2019 Board of Trustees

The Annual General Meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on the evening of June 19th, 2018. We would like to introduce our 2018-2019 NSHN Board of Trustees:


(Standing L-R)

Mr. Jack Cruickshank; Mrs. Sharon MacKinnon; Mr. Bruce Harten; Mr. Peter Cavanagh; Mrs. Lucy Ann Trudeau; Mr. Guy Clément; Mr. Chris Astles; Mr. Marcel Denis; Mrs. Julie Chenard Azzi

(Sitting L-R)

Mr. John Frederick, 1st Vice Chair; Mrs. Donna Latulippe, Chairperson; Mr. Alex Solomon, 2nd Vice Chair 

Thank you for your time and dedication to the North Shore Health Network.


NSHN Annual Staff Appreciation BBQ


Richards Landing gets new digital x-ray equipment at hospital